
Cookies reserves the right to use “cookie” technology on the Website to recognize you as a frequent user and to personalize your use of the Website by pre-selecting your language or preferred or specific content. The cookies used by the Website, or by a third party acting on its behalf, are associated only with an anonymous user and their computer, and do not provide personal data about the user.
Cookies are files sent to a browser by a web server to record the user’s navigation on the Website, when the user allows their reception. You can also delete cookies by consulting the instructions for your browser.

Thanks to cookies, can recognize the browser on the user’s computer to provide content and display their browsing and advertising preferences, as well as recognize their demographic profiles to measure visits and traffic parameters, monitor progress, and the number of entries.

Duration and Termination

The provision of the service on this Website and other services is initially for an indefinite period. However, may terminate or suspend any of the portal’s services. When possible, will announce the termination or suspension of the specific service.

Statements and Warranties

In general, the content and services offered on the Website are for informational purposes only. Therefore, by offering them, makes no warranty or statement regarding the content and services offered on the Website, including, but not limited to, warranties of legality, reliability, usefulness, truthfulness, accuracy, or merchantability, except to the extent that such statements and warranties cannot be excluded by law.

Force Majeure shall not be liable in any case of inability to provide service if it is due to prolonged interruptions of electricity supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, rebellion, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and generally all cases of force majeure or fortuitous events.

Dispute Resolution. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

These General Terms of Use, as well as the use of the Website, shall be governed by Spanish law. Any dispute will be resolved before the courts of Cluj Napoca, Romania.
If any provision of these General Terms of Use is found to be unenforceable or null under the applicable law or as a result of a judicial or administrative ruling, such unenforceability or nullity will not render these General Terms of Use unenforceable or null as a whole. In such cases, will proceed to modify or replace the provision with another that is valid and enforceable and that, as far as possible, achieves the objective and intention reflected in the original provision.