Throughout history, Romanians have contributed to global progress through their ingenious discoveries. Their impact spans various complex fields such as technology, engineering, medicine, and more. Many Romanian inventions have revolutionized the world, and today you’ll learn about 10 of them:
1. The First Airplane
Traian Vuia achieved the first-ever flight with an aircraft heavier than air. This pioneering flight, which took place in 1906, was the first without catapults or other external aids. Imagine a steel bat with arched canvas wings – that’s how Vuia’s flying machine looked.
2. The Jet-Powered Aircraft
Another aviation pioneer, Henri Coandă, designed the first jet-propelled aircraft, which he tested in 1910 in Paris. Coandă was also the first to describe the fluid dynamics principle, later leading to the invention of jet engines.

3. Ejection Seat
This invention has saved many pilots’ lives. In 1930, Anastase Dragomir developed the first version of the ejection seat, aimed at increasing pilot safety in case of a malfunction. He devised the first pilot safety system in 1928.

4. Insulin
Nicolae Păulescu discovered an anti-diabetic hormone in the pancreas, which he named “pancrein,” now known as insulin. His discovery continues to save diabetic lives worldwide, helping to manage hyperglycemia.

5. Cybernetics
Ștefan Odobleja is regarded as the father of global cybernetics. In 1938, he published a work titled “Consonantist Psychology,” presenting key cybernetics themes and linking its roots to psychology, creating the field of psycho-cybernetics.

6. Mechanical Engineering
7. Gerovital and Aslavital
Ana Aslan is the one who discovered a miraculous treatment aimed at delaying the aging process, which is still used today. Aslan was a doctor specializing in gerontology and was the founder of the world’s first Institute of Geriatrics. She invented Gerovital H3 and Aslavital, products regarded as “elixirs of youth.”

8. Cholera Vaccine
Ion Cantacuzino invented the cholera vaccine, also known as the “Cantacuzino method.” The typhoid epidemic that spread during World War I was more easily overcome thanks to his contribution. Due to his efforts, Romania became the second country in the world to implement the practice of vaccinating newborns against tuberculosis.

9. The Fountain Pen
Petrache Poenaru was the one who revolutionized the world of writing instruments with the invention of the fountain pen. Initially, the pen was called the “endless portable pen that feeds itself with ink.” Poenaru was an engineer and mathematician, constantly focused on optimizing the Romanian education system.